Monroe County Library System Board Meeting
Monday, September 15, 20255:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Info
Board Room, Rundel Memorial Building, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County
Meeting Details
The Monroe County Library System (MCLS) is governed by an 11-member Board of Trustees, appointed by the Monroe County Legislature. The Board sets MCLS policy, provides advice and direction to MCLS administration, and supports library advocacy efforts and collaboration among member libraries. The downtown library serves as the Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County.
All regular meetings are open to the public. Citizens are welcome to address the Board of Trustees for a maximum of three minutes, beginning at 5:00 p.m. To address the Board, please call 585-428-8046 or email by Noon on the day of the meeting and provide full name, address, organization represented (if any), and the topic.