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Seneca Avenue Reconstruction Project Public Meeting Notice

Wednesday, March 26, 2025
5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Meeting Details

Seneca Avenue Reconstruction 
Seneca Avenue (Norton Street to East Ridge Road) 
Preliminary Design 
In Person and Virtual Meeting 

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 
In-Person Meeting 
N.E. Neighborhood Service Center, 500 Norton Street 
Rochester, NY 14621 

TIME: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Zoom Video Webinar

Webinar ID: 848 1451 0206

Passcode: 191964 

Telephone for Audio Conference (toll free): 833-548-0282, 833-928-4608, 833-928-4609

Agenda: The meeting will include a presentation of the design for the above reference project. The project will include, but is not limited to pavement reconstruction, curbs, new driveway aprons, sidewalk replacement, curb ramp upgrades, street lighting improvements, new pavement markings, and new signage as needed. Utility work will consist of adjustment and repair of manholes, catch basins, water valve castings and spot watermain, water services and hydrant replacements. The project also includes implementation of bicycle facilities, potential changes to parking regulations, potential curb modifications including pavement width changes and curb bump outs, traffic signal improvements and improved transit features as necessary. 
To attend the Zoom Video Webinar, please type in the link address listed above on your web browser or go to and enter the Webinar ID provided above. Please connect to the meeting 5 to 10 minutes early. If you are unable to attend, visit the project webpage to view the planned improvements.
If you require special arrangements for the meeting (translators, wheelchair accessibility, etc.) or further information on this meeting, contact Phoenix Howell at 585-428-6284 or email at Phoenix. HoweIl@cityof
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