Street Maintenance and Repair
The City of Rochester has developed a preventative maintenance program for streets that includes the use of surface treatments. Surface treatments seal the street surface against intrusion by air and moisture.
The City of Rochester has developed a preventative maintenance program for streets that includes the use of surface treatments. Surface treatments seal the street surface against intrusion by air and moisture.
The Street Liaison program assists the business community within targeted commercial corridors within each quadrant by providing access to information to support business growth, attracting new businesses, and supporting economic development.
The 911 Center can notify residents of Monroe County by home phone or now by mobile phone in case of emergency. Your home phone is automatically registered with 911, but now you may register you mobile phone as well.
If Police or Fire Officials need to notify you in case of an emergency in your area we will call your home phone and if you have registered your mobile phone we can either call or text your mobile phone with information about the incident as well.
Join Mayor Evans as the City celebrates Juneteenth with a lunchtime block party at City Hall! There will be food trucks and live music.
Friday, June 14, 2024 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Outside City Hall, Church Street between State and Fitzhugh.
The same colorful cornucopia of goods and people that dazzle visitors today also greeted the first market goers in 1827 when the Village of Rochester only had a few thousand residents and the municipal market was built partially over the Genesee River downtown.
Please help us plant roots that will grow to captivate future generations of citizens
As part of its Comprehensive Plan, Rochester 2034, the City studied which major streets have the best potential for "transit supportive development" in Rochester. Transit supportive development encourages a mix of complementary activities and destinations (e.g., housing, work, shopping, services, and entertainment) along major streets and centers. Transit supportive development helps create compact, vibrant communities where it’s easier for people to walk, bike, and use public transit to get around.
Flower City Days at the Mar