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Elevator Examining Board

The City of Rochester Elevator Examining Board was abolished by City Council as of January 1, 2022.

At the same time, New York State adopted legislation that requires businesses and occupations that engage in design, construction, installation, inspection, testing, maintenance, alteration, service, and repair of elevators and other conveyances to be licensed by the New York State Department of Labor.  

New York State Department of Labor

DataRoc Open Data Portal

A clearinghouse of City data

DataRoc is a public clearinghouse of information maintained by the City of Rochester. DataRoc features more than 100 datasets produced by analysts and staff across City departments. These include historical assessment records, bikeshare statistics, nuisance points by property, and much more. DataRoc also centralizes data that is available online, like the RPD Open Data Portal, and provides links to related public content. 

Business Services: City, state, and federal programs to grow your business

The City of Rochester strives to help local business owners find programs and incentives to support their success. The following city, county, state, and federal programs are available to help local businesses of all sizes--from small neighborhood businesses to large manufacturers-- flourish. The City assists Industrial, High-Tech, and Commercial businesses. 

Home fire safety

Kitchen Area

Prevent Cooking Fires - Watch What You Heat

Kitchens can be a dangerous area in the home and account for a high number of fires and injuries. In fact, cooking fires are the leading cause of residential fires and injuries in the nation. Three in 10 reported home fires start in the kitchen - more than any other place in the home.