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Vendor Information

Vendor Information for Financial Transactions

To be paid or have any other financial transaction with the City, such as receiving a Purchase Order or Contract, each vendor must have a vendor number.  For the City to assign a vendor number, we must have an updated W-9 Form, your current address, telephone, and e-mail information.

RPD: Community recruiters

As an element of the Blueprint for Engagement, the City of Rochester is looking for young men and women to serve as Rochester Police Officers. 

In an effort to enhance our recruitment strategies, the Rochester Police Department (RPD) is looking for interested community members willing to serve as Community Recruiters to help in our recruitment efforts. 

Historic Preservation - Rochester's Parkland Inventory

Rochester's Historic Parkland Inventory

In 2009 a survey was conducted to catalog and define the character-defining components of parklands within the Rochester park system that are more than 50 years old or that otherwise have historic significance. Surveyors examined 61 sites, each of which was investigated through drawings, documents, maps, records, photos and site visits. Of these sites, 12 were determined to have heightened significance and were studied extensively to better understand and document their character.

Open Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (Open C-PACE)

The City of Rochester Open C-PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) Financing program helps the owners of qualified commercial and industrial properties secure loans to cover the cost of renewable energy projects and energy efficiency upgrades.

Open C-PACE loans are administered by the Energy Improvement Corporation (EIC), a state-wide non-profit development corporation. 

The City of Rochester established the Open C-Pace program while participating in the NYSERDA Clean Energy Communities program which has identified Open C-PACE as a high impact action item.

Water hydrant permit & use

Unauthorized hydrant use

The unauthorized use of a city water hydrant may jeopardize fire fighting capability, create dirty water problems, or result in water main breaks. Residents are encouraged to call the City of Rochester to report situations that may involve the unauthorized use of a hydrant. If chronic misuse of a hydrant occurs, a locking device may be installed on the hydrant to prevent its unauthorized operation. Open hydrant locations may be reported at any time by calling 911.