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Rochester Housing Market Study 2007


The Rochester City-Wide Housing Market Study was an innovative effort to combine carefully collected market data with a full analysis of the City's neighborhoods, finance environment and housing programs. The result was a set of recommendations to guide future planning efforts and to organize the activities of City agencies, private and non-profit organizations around one shared vision and action strategy to reinvigorate all of Rochester's neighborhoods.

Animal Control: Field Services

Our Field Services Unit comprises Animal Services Officers and Outreach & Support Specialists. Animal Services Officers (ASOs) play a vital role for people and animals within our community. 

Their job encompasses public safety, enforcement of animal ordinances, animal care and rescue, nuisance abatement, and community outreach, and pet owner support. Outreach and Support Specialists focus exclusively on providing supportive services and referrals for community members facing barriers in access to resources.

Land Bank Leadership and Committees

Current Board of Directors  

Ex Officio Members

  • City Treasurer:  John Fornof, Board Treasurer - Appointed February 2022
    • Prior to City Treasurer, John Fornof held positions with the City such as Deputy City Treasurer and Senior Analyst, Office of Management and Budget.  Mr. Fornof holds a Master’s in Public Administration from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.  

Inner Loop East - Support

Rochester Expresses its Enthusiastic Support

The idea of filling in the Inner Loop Expressway had been discussed in the community as early as 1990. As the facility has deteriorated over the years, support from surrounding neighborhoods, business owners, developers, and real estate firms grew substantially. Transforming the sunken Inner Loop from a barrier to a beautiful, high-quality street benefits the entire community.