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Historic Preservation - The Rochester Preservation Ordinance

It is often said that cities succeed when people want to live and work there, and we largely want to live where our heritage and history are preserved.

Rochester is proud of its unique architectural and landscape heritage, and its citizens recognize the importance of retaining and maintaining this built history. One tool to help accomplish this is the Preservation Ordinance, enacted by City Council in 1969. The ordinance allows for the designation of landmark properties and districts and defines the process to manage physical changes to these properties.

Water quality testing

The City of Rochester prides itself on providing safe, reliable, high quality water to our customers. We ensure our water is safe from source to tap by conducting over 1,500 physical, chemical and microbiological tests from locations throughout the system each month. 

Most of these tests are performed in our New York State (NYS) certified laboratory located at the Hemlock Water Treatment Facility. For less routine testing requiring highly specialized equipment, samples are sent to a NYS accredited laboratory under contract with the City.