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Rules and Regulations for Work in the Right-of-Way

The following Rules and Regulations established by the City Engineer, as authorized by section 104-32 of the City Code, govern the policies and standards required for all work performed in the Right-of-Way. The Right-of-Way includes all City streets, street pavement, curbing, sidewalks, the area between the curb and the sidewalk, and in most residential areas it generally includes a zero (0) to four (4) foot width of land between the sidewalk and the home.

These Rules and Regulations have been developed to:

Special Event Accessibility Checklist

The City of Rochester encourages all public events to be reasonably accessible for people with disabilities. Below is a basic checklist to use as a starting point for planning accessible public events. Every event should maintain a planning document that shows compliance with all Americans with Disabilities Act elements including accessible parking, ADA-compliant bathrooms or portable toilets, ramps, accessible seating, accessible paths of travel, etc.

Genesee Street Improvement Project

Project Description

This project includes the street reconstruction of Genesee Street from Scottsville Rd/Elmwood Ave to Brooks Ave/South Plymouth Ave. Improvements will include, but are not limited to pavement reconstruction, new curbs, sidewalks, curb ramps, driveway aprons, drainage basins, water main, water services, hydrants, street lighting, signals, signage, pavement markings, tree plantings, and other various streetscape improvements.

Farmington Road and Wyand Crescent Rehabilitation

Project Description

This project included full pavement reconstruction and/or pavement milling and resurfacing with spot base repair, new granite curbs, spot sidewalk replacement, curb ramp upgrades, new driveway aprons, signage and pavement markings, new water services, adjustment and/or repairs of manholes, receiving basins, and water valve castings, minor street lighting upgrades and minor utility impacts. Speed humps will be replaced on both streets.

This project is now complete.