About the Emergency Communications Department
The Emergency Communications Department serves as a vital link between the citizens of the city and county and their public safety agencies. The Department operates the 911 Call Center and the City's 311 Call Center.
Each year, our emergency telecommunicators handle more than one million 911 calls, more than any other 911 call center in the state outside of New York City.
We are certified by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). The 911 Center is also accredited by the NYS Sheriff’s Association (NYSSA).
If you need to contact 911 for an emergency and you are outside Monroe County, please dial 585-428-6666.
Emergency Communications Department
Open 24 hours daily.
We're hiring!
A rewarding career with outstanding pay and benefits
We’re here first when seconds count. If you:
- Thrive under pressure
- Think fast and clearly when others are prone to panic
- Can extract important details from a rush of information
... then this is the job for you.

Register your mobile phone with 911
The 911 Center can notify residents of Monroe County by home phone or now by mobile phone in case of emergency. Your home phone is automatically registered with 911, but now you may register your mobile phone as well.
If Police or Fire Officials need to notify you in case of an emergency in your area we will call your home phone and if you have registered your mobile phone we can either call or text your mobile phone with information about the incident as well.
You won't receive information about every incident occurring in your area, rather incidents where responders need to give the surrounding public instructions such as sheltering in place.
Sign up to receive alerts here. If you have any questions please contact the 911 Center at 585-528-2200, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Non-emergency calls to 911
The Rochester/Monroe County 911 center is different from other agencies because not only do we answer emergency calls, but we also answer certain non-emergency police, fire, and EMS-related calls such as:
- A citizen needs to contact a police officer regarding an ongoing investigation
- Parking problems
- Barking or annoying dogs
- Police report (i.e.: violation of an order of protection, telephone harassment among others)
311: Your resource for information and services
311 is a resource for residents, businesses, and visitors to get information, request services, and report problems within the City of Rochester. From getting library hours, requesting trash pick or street repairs, and report problems like potholes or graffiti. 311 is ready to help. You can reach us by calling 311 or visiting our 311 Live site.
A Message from the Director

Michael J. Cerretto
Welcome to the Emergency Communications Department. The 911 Center began operations in February, 1986 as a way to consolidate services in Monroe County. The Center has continued to grow and now serves 76 different public safety agencies. Last year, our employees handled 1,114,215 calls for service.
Our highly trained staff always strives to provide the best service possible to the public. Our employees are the most dedicated you will find anywhere, subjecting themselves to rigorous training standards. They take pride in the high expectations they set for each other. As you can see, the 911 Center is immensely successful and is a national model.