Parking violations and tickets
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Citations Fine schedule Booted and towed vehicles Hearing process Contesting a parking ticket Appeals process
Parking citations
Parking tickets may be issued for parking
At a meter after time has expired.
At a broken/malfunctioning meter or pay station.
On the wrong side of a street with alternate parking; or for more than 12 hours on all other streets. (Six hours for commercial vehicles.)
In a loading zone.
In a no-parking zone.
Less than five feet from a driveway.
In a no-standing zone or stopping in a no-stopping zone.
Less than fifteen feet from a fire hydrant.
On a sidewalk.
Contrary to snow ordinance regulations.
Without displaying a valid handicapped permit.
Without displaying a valid inspection certificate.
Contrary to other city and state parking regulations as applicable.
Parking fines
Fines listed include a $15 NYS surcharge. Handicapped fines include a $30 NYS surcharge. Parking ticket fines must be paid within 30 days of a ticket's issue date. If not, fines will increase according to the table below.
Parking violation fine schedule
Initial Fine | $40 | $50 | $105 | $150 |
After 30 Days | $75 | $95 | $190 | $235 |
After 90 Days | $95 | $115 | $200 | $245 |
- Fines after 90 days will enter a default judgment.
- Motorists may have a hearing within one year from default judgment.
- Motorists may reschedule once prior to the original scheduled hearing.
- Failure to appear will result in a default judgment being entered against the registered owner.
- In order to reopen a case within one year of default, a Motion to Vacate must be filed.
Booted and towed vehicles
The City's booting program is part of the ticketing process. A car can be booted if its owner has three or more unpaid parking violation tickets, at least ninety days old. If your vehicle has been booted, contact Paylock at 877-208-5421, call 311 or come to our office. DO NOT PAY the parking tickets on our online portal.
Vehicles can also be held at the City’s Auto Impound for parking tickets owed on a vehicle(s) or previously registered vehicle.
If your car is booted and/or towed, or has a registration hold, please submit a Clearance Form before coming in to receive a detailed report of all fines owed.
If you’d like to contest your vehicle's towing, please submit a Tow Hearing Request Form within the allowed timeframe.
Hearing process
Hearings for Parking & Municipal Code Violations are held at the City of Rochester, Parking & Municipal Code Violations Bureau, 200 East Main St, Suite B-001, Rochester, NY 14604.
We recommend that you appear in person to testify. This allows you to express your testimony, bring evidence, and ask/answer questions. Any evidence submitted at the time of the hearing must be in hard copy form and will remain in the case file. All hearings must be scheduled in advance. Hearings start at 9:45 a.m. until 1 p.m., occurring every 15 minutes.
You must bring a Photo ID when signing in for the hearing. If you do not appear for your hearing, a default judgment will be entered against you.
Contesting a parking ticket
If you are contesting a parking ticket, you must be the registered owner of the vehicle to which the ticket was issued to testify. If you are not the registered owner, but you were the operator at the time the ticket was issued, you must have notarized authorization to testify (unless the owner is appearing with you).
See the "Authorization Forms for Others' Appearance" section below to obtain a form. If the ticket was issued to a rental vehicle, you must provide a copy of the rental agreement. Hearings for parking tickets are held on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Default Judgments
Hearings for a parking violation may be requested up to one year after a default judgment has been entered, given that a first hearing had never been scheduled. Default Judgments are entered if you fail to appear for your scheduled hearing. Once a default judgment has been entered, a new hearing will not be granted unless you provide a reasonable excuse.
The decision to grant a new hearing after a default judgment has been issued, is solely in the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. If you wish to have your case reopened, within the year following the default judgment, you must submit a Motion to Vacate form. There is a non-refundable $50 application fee required for the Hearing Examiner to review your case and determine if the case will be reopened. Approval for the reopening of a case is not guaranteed.
We recommended that you call to schedule your hearing within 30 days from the date the ticket was issued, to avoid any penalty fees being added and/or the need to file a Motion to Vacate. You will be allowed one reschedule as long as your request is received prior to the original hearing date. If your original hearing date is rescheduled and you fail to appear, a default judgment will be entered and you will need to file a Motion to Vacate and pay the $50 fee.
Ex-parte hearing
If you live outside of Monroe County or if you can't appear in person, you may request an ex-parte hearing by submitting your testimony in writing. Please note that with an ex-parte hearing, there is no interaction with the Hearing Examiner. The Examiner will read your testimony, look at any evidence you provided, and make his/her decision based on the facts before him/her. Please provide all evidence in hard copy form to substantiate your case. All evidence will remain in the case file. You must send a letter by mail to our office, specifically requesting an ex-parte hearing, stating why you are unable to appear in person and why you are not guilty of the violation. Please include the ticket number and/or plate number of the vehicle or the ticket number and/or property address the ticket was issued to. Submit your request before 30 calendar days to avoid additional penalties. Mail your testimony and supporting documents to the address above with “ATTN: Ex-Parte Hearing Examiner”.
Appeals process
If you feel the Hearing Examiner made an error in the fact of law, you have the right to appeal the determination only if your plea at the hearing was Not Guilty. You must file your request for appeal within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of your original hearing on this matter. You must also state the reason for your appeal on the back of the Appeal Request Form. Appeal hearings are held on the third or fourth Thursday of every month.
Authorization for another's appearance
If you are not the registered owner of a vehicle, or you are not the respondent of a municipal code ticket, you must obtain written authorization from the respondent (or registered vehicle owner) to appear for a hearing. The authorization must be notarized.
Affidavit for a vehicle owner to be represented by another person
If you received a parking ticket on a rental vehicle, you must provide a copy of the rental agreement at the time of the hearing, or when the hearing is scheduled.