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Mayor Evans introduces partners in City’s Neighbors In Action (NIA) effort

After announcing the City’s Neighbors In Action (NIA) initiative in September, Mayor Malik D. Evans today introduced two new partners in funding and implementing NIA grants for city residents interested in improving their neighborhoods: ESL Federal Credit Union and Rochester Area Community Foundation

Both organizations join the City in providing $100,000 in financial support to the initiative, enabling the availability of $300,000 in small grants of up to $10,000 each. NIA participants will benefit from a breadth and depth of grantmaking experience and community relationships from the partners, and staff from all three will serve on an application review committee. Rochester Area Community Foundation will hold, manage and disseminate the funds, and the City of Rochester has created four new positions in its Neighborhood Service Centers to help coordinate NIA and help build capacity in neighborhoods.

Applications are now open online for the first round of NIA grants, and must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28. Grant announcements will be made on Mar. 31. A broad range of projects qualify for NIA grants, including community beautification projects like gardens and public art, neighborhood events, youth and senior programs, environmental sustainability projects, and educational and health-focused initiatives.

“I am thrilled to announce this amazing partnership with such community-minded organizations. ESL and the Community Foundation are stepping up in a powerful way to strengthen our neighborhoods and empower our residents,” said Mayor Evans. “I encourage every city neighborhood to apply for a NIA grant to help fund their vision of improving where they live.”

We’re excited to partner with the City of Rochester and Rochester Area Community Foundation to help invest in the prosperity of city neighborhoods and residents,” said John Paul Perez, Executive Director, Community Impact, ESL Federal Credit Union. “This program will provide vital support to initiatives that foster connection among neighbors, strengthen bonds, and build vibrant and resilient neighborhoods.” 

“We align closely with the Urban Institute’s definition of upward mobility, which says that neighborhoods need to be inclusive and have ample opportunities in order to make economic success at the individual or household level possible,” said Simeon Banister, President & CEO, Rochester Area Community Foundation. “NIA puts residents in the driver’s seat to shape their neighborhoods. We’re going to have our eyes and ears open throughout this process to learn from residents about what works and what doesn’t.”

Neighbors In Action (NIA) is designed to empower residents to come together and take purposeful action toward strengthening and improving their neighborhoods. The word “Nia” (pronounced NEE-uh) translates to “Purpose” in Swahili, and is a core principle of Kwanzaa, encouraging both individuals and communities to find and pursue collective goals. Rooted in the tradition of communal growth, the program will serve as a platform for residents to contribute to neighborhood development projects, fostering collaboration and progress throughout the city.

NIA is open to all neighborhood associations, block clubs, and other community organizations in the City of Rochester. NIA partners encourage participation from everyone who is passionate about making Rochester a more connected city whose residents are involved in improving their neighborhoods.  

Learn more: NIA