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City of Rochester

Neigbors in Action (NIA)

Neighbors in Action Banner


The word "Nia" translates to "Purpose" in Swahili, and is a core principle of Kwanzaa, encouraging both individuals and communities to find and pursue collective goals. Rooted in the tradition of communal growth, the program will serve as a platform for residents to contribute to neighborhood development projects, fostering collaboration and progress throughout the city. 


NIA (Knee-Ah) is open to all city residents, and neighborhood and local organizations. This initiative encourages participation from everyone who is passionate about making Rochester a more connected city whose residents are involved in improving their neighborhoods.


As part of the NIA initiative, neighborhood organizations and residents will have access to City resources and small grants to support community-driven projects. By encouraging active participation, the City seeks to strengthen connections among neighbors and build a more vibrant, united Rochester. 

To create the program, the City is asking for input from community members via a survey and four in-person, public meetings at which residents can learn about the initiative and share personal insights about the needs of their neighborhoods. 

News: City launches Neighbors In Action (NIA)


Neighbors in Action (NIA) contact

Neighbors In Action

Get involved

To create the program, the City is asking for input from community members via a survey and four in-person, public meetings at which residents can learn about the initiative and share personal insights about the needs of their neighborhoods. 


Take the online survey! Your feedback will help us design a program that meets the needs of our neighborhoods.

Take the survey

Completa la encuesta aquí 

Community input meetings

List of meetings

October 10
5:30 - 7 p.m.

As part of the NIA initiative, neighborhood organizations and residents will have access to City resources and small grants to support community-driven projects.

Thomas P. Ryan R-Center 530 Webster Ave Rochester, NY 14609 United States

Meeting resources

Neighbors in Action (NIA)
October 15
5:30 - 7 p.m.

As part of the NIA initiative, neighborhood organizations and residents will have access to City resources and small grants to support community-driven projects.

Arnett Branch Library 310 Arnett Boulevard Rochester, NY 14619 United States

Meeting resources

Neighbors in Action (NIA)
October 17
5:30 - 7 p.m.

As part of the NIA initiative, neighborhood organizations and residents will have access to City resources and small grants to support community-driven projects.

David F. Gantt R-Center Location 700 North Street Rochester, NY 14605 United States

Meeting resources

Neighbors in Action (NIA)

NIA is inspired by the success of the Neighbors Building Neighborhoods (NBN) program launched in 1996 by former Mayor William A. Johnson Jr., NIA builds on a rich legacy of collaboration between citizens and the City. NBN became a nationally recognized model that sparked hundreds of impactful projects, from neighborhood beautification to crime prevention.

Learn more: Neighborhood Service Centers