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City Council Legislation, Meeting Minutes and Proceedings

The chronologically arranged list below contains recent Council Meeting Agendas, Meeting Minutes, and monthly lists of adopted laws, ordinances, and resolutions. Following the end of each calendar year, the Minutes are combined and published as the annual Proceedings of Council which are found at the bottom of this page along with Search and Annual Proceedings.  The following definitions highlight the purpose of each document available below. For additional information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (585) 428-7421.

RPD: Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a serious issue in our community. Women, children, and men can all suffer the effects of domestic violence. The Rochester Police Department (RPD) is committed to working with partner agencies to provide help to all victims of domestic violence.

More than just physical abuse

Domestic violence is a pattern of abuse by which an abuser seeks to gain power and control over an intimate partner. An abuser uses a variety of tactics to gain that power and control, including:

Code Inspection and Enforcement

The City of Rochester has numerous residential, commercial and industrial buildings which are substantially sound and habitable structures which provide housing resources for residents and businesses in the city. The condition and timely maintenance of these existing structures as well as the safe and code-compliant construction of newly built buildings play a vital role in the success of our businesses and city neighborhoods.

How to request litter baskets in Rochester

When will the City provide litter baskets?

The City of Rochester provides public litter baskets at locations where litter has been a problem. 

Typically, these areas are associated with high pedestrian traffic (e.g., major bus stops, street corners, public buildings, commercial areas, etc.). 

The baskets are emptied at least once a week, depending on need. Litter baskets may not be used for disposal of residential or commercial refuse.

Former Emerson Street Landfill

Project Background

In response to guidelines issued by New York State, the City of Rochester investigated the possibility that vapors from the Former Emerson Street Landfill (FESL) may be entering buildings now located on the site. The City performed appropriate mitigation procedures. Past investigations did not indicate any risk, but new guidance documents on vapor intrusion levels issued by NYS have initiated the City's reinvestigation of the site.

Climate Vulnerability Assessment

What is the Climate Vulnerability Assessment?    

To continue its climate action efforts and become more resilient, the City of Rochester has conducted a Climate Vulnerability Assessment (CVA), released in 2018. The purpose of this CVA is to evaluate the City’s ability to adapt to anticipated climate change impacts in order to enhance its resilience planning efforts.