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City Council Duties

City Council is the nine-member legislative body for the City of Rochester. Five members are elected at-large to represent the entire city, while four are elected to represent the four Council districts: Northeast, Northwest, South, and east. All Council members serve four-year terms. The five at-large representatives are elected at one time and the four district representatives are elected two years later.

Mini Sweeps

Our streets and neighborhoods look great after Clean Sweep! Do you wish we could get that Clean Sweep look any time? We can - with a mini sweep!

Mini sweeps are mini Clean Sweep events, organized by the community and supported by the City. Mini sweeps can help you and your block club or neighborhood organization improve an area that needs a little love.

Weaver Street Rehabilitation

Project Description

The Weaver Street Rehabilitation project included Weaver Street from Remington Street to Joseph Avenue and Joseph Avenue to Hudson Avenue. This project included pavement milling and resurfacing with spot pavement base repair, new granite curbs with underdrain, spot sidewalk replacement, curb ramp upgrades, new driveway aprons, pavement markings, signage and adjustment and/or repairs of manholes, receiving basins, and water valve castings and the installation of pedestrian level LED street lighting. 

How to help outdoor cats in the winter

We used to think the best thing we could do for a healthy stray cat was to take him to the shelter. However, we have come to realize that the best thing is to keep him in his neighborhood. If he is lost, he is more likely to get back home with a little help from the community; and if he calls the outdoors home, he will do better if a neighbor provides him with good food, clean water, and a snug winter shelter, than stressed out in a cage at our facility. Rochester Animal Services is here to help you with that cat. And we are always available to lend a paw to sick or injured cats.