RAS services and programs
View Rochester Animal Services programs and services.
View Rochester Animal Services programs and services.
Many pets are found by neighbors within close proximity to the pet's home. Bringing the found pet to the shelter should be the last resort. We need community members to assist us in limiting shelter intakes to animals that are truly homeless or suffering and those that represent public safety concerns.
Before falling in love with a pet, make sure you familiarize yourself with the adoption process, fees, and other information provided here.
Rochester Animal Services (RAS) envisions a community where our neighbors are empowered to stay together with their pets, have a central destination to find a new pet; where neighborhoods are enhanced through pet ownership, and lost pets are kept safe and nurtured.
If you have lost a pet, use this page to see found pets in our system.
Join us for either the 5K or 10K distance through the picturesque City of Rochester and scenic route along the Genesee River!
You can also view the photos and profiles below to see if your pet has been taken in at Animal Services. However, all animals may not be included, so we recommend that you check this page frequently for new photo uploads and visit the facility in person every couple of days.
Rochester Animal Services is teaming up with Rochester Woman Online to hold an amazing fee-waived adoption event and celebration of the shelter.
Learn what to do if you find stray kittens
Pet-Inclusive Housing
Pets for Life is our main outreach program.
License your dog
Even if a dog is found dirty, injured, or afraid, it does not necessarily mean the dog was abused or dumped. Try to avoid making assumptions or judgments. It is possible that the dog has been missing for several days or even weeks and has been injured or experienced adverse conditions during that time. Ask...
Most cats you see outdoors do not need intervention and should be left where they are. So, first, determine whether this is a cat in need of immediate attention (sick or injured) or a healthy neighborhood cat out for a stroll.
Animal Services (RAS) has provided microchip scanners to Neighborhood Service Centers, R-Centers, and pet stores to help reunite missing pets with their people. Email us by clicking the button below if your organization or business is interested in becoming a microchip checkpoint location. Scanner distribution is...
Free dog adoption event
Applying is not a hold or reservation and does not guarantee an approval. We will review your application with you in person when you visit the Animal Shelter. Feel free to ask questions about spaying or neutering, house training, obedience training, controlling fleas and ticks, and anything else of interest.
Browse cats available for adoption.
View other less common pets available for adoption at Animal Services.