Durand Eastman Beach House and Master Plan
Provide your feedback
A public meeting was held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. We will be accepting feedback on the public presentation until August 7, 2024.
Download the Presentation Materials
Click here to provide feedback

Project background
Durand Eastman Park is located approximately 5 miles northeast of downtown Rochester on the shore of Lake Ontario. The land was sold to the City by Dr. Henry Durand and George Eastman. The park was formally dedicated on May 22, 1909. Construction of a public beach house on the eastern limits of the park was completed in 1919.

The beach house and public bathing beach served the citizens of Rochester until 1949, when rising water levels in Lake Ontario forced the closure of these facilities. Construction of the Moses-Saunders Power Dam in 1958 provided more stable water levels, which allowed the public beach to reopen in 1959. However, the beach would close again in 1966 after pollution concerns caused by the City’s combined sewer system.
In 2006, the City worked with the Monroe County Health Department to obtain a conditional permit to operate a swimming beach at Durand Eastman. The beach will remain operating under this conditional permit until permanent beach facilities are provided.
A Master Plan project was completed in 2007 that identified key site improvements including: parking areas, a Beach House, trails, green space, site amenities, and water quality improvements.
Download the 2007 Master Plan here
From 2012-2016, the City of Rochester constructed multiple Water Quality and Utility Improvement projects at Durand Eastman Park that were identified in the 2007 Master Plan.
The City of Rochester is presently working with a consultant team to design a permanent beach house facility and to develop an updated Master Plan.
Project objectives
Beach House – design a beach house that conforms to 2007 Master Plan and allows permanent public swimming access for City residents. The City intends to provide permanent access to Lake Ontario, ending the conditional permit operation. Lifeguard and beach facilities are currently served by a temporary storage container.
Master Plan – update the 2007 Master Plan to blend with ongoing Beach House project and extend full length of beach. The 2007 Master Plan only addressed the western half of the beach. The updated Master Plan will address the full length of the beach and will address parking facilities, picnic shelter and grill locations, crosswalk and pedestrian improvements, and site programming options.
Site Improvements – this ARPA-funded work will provide drainage improvements, erosion control repairs, and some site amenities as a stopgap until the Master Plan is completed.
Public input
Public engagement and feedback for understanding the needs and visions of the community as they relate to the project will be implemented through stakeholder meetings, public meetings, in-person and online surveys, and project updates on the City’s website.
The City solicited public feedback during 4 on-site sessions in August of 2022 (8/13, 8/20, 8/25, 8/27). The results of the public outreach can be found in this report.
Project schedule – Beach House

- Spring/Summer 2022: Preliminary Beach House design
- Summer/Fall 2024: Public Outreach – Beach House & Master Plan
- Spring 2025: Final Beach House design
- Note: Construction of beach house dependent upon securing funding.
Schedule is subject to adjustment.
Project schedule - site improvements
- Summer 2023: Design Site Improvements and Erosion Repairs
- Spring/Summer 2024: Public Bid
- Fall 2024/Spring 2025: Construction Phase
Project schedule – Master Plan

- Spring 2022: Design consultant procurement
- Summer/Fall 2024: Public Outreach – Beach House & Master Plan
- Spring 2024: Finalize Master Plan
- Note: Master Plan implementation is anticipated to be phased through successive design/construction projects. Once the Master Plan recommendations and estimates are complete, funding will be requested.
Schedule is subject to adjustment.
Project funding and attributions
Design and construction documents for the Beach House are prepared with funds provided by the City of Rochester and NYS Department of State. A portion of this project is being funded with a grant under Title 11 of the New York State Environmental Protection Fund Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. Funding for master plan design, site improvements design, and construction are provided by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).
Funding for the Master Plan design services are provided by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).

Project Documents
Key files from the stakeholder and public information meetings will be uploaded to the project website shortly after they area held.