About the Bureau of Communications and Special Events
Communications provides information about City government to the public and enhances the community's quality of life by producing and supporting special events.
The Bureau is responsible for City’s marketing, promotion, and advertising activities and provides graphics, photo, video and writing services for City departments and conducts promotional campaigns, news conferences and performs media relations. It oversees the content on the City's website and social media pages.
For questions relating to the Office of Special Events, click the button below.
Members of the press are encourgaed to visit our online Newsroom for resources and information.
Press Contacts
- Barbara Pierce, Communications Director
- Carlet Cleare, Press Officer
- Lt. Gregory Bello, Rochester Police Department Public Information Officer
- Lt. Jackeline Vazquez Sierra, Rochester Fire Department Public Information Officer
- Aidan Pollard, City Council Communications Coordinator
What's Good
What’s Good Rochester is the City of Rochester’s social media partnership with WXXI Public Broadcasting Council in a fresh, one-of-a-kind opportunity that redefines how Rochester’s stories are told.