224-242 Allen Street | 121.21-1-1 | City DEQ | 224-242 Allen Street SGMP |
18 Ambrose Street | 105.6.2-59.004 | NYSDEC - C828126 | 18 Ambrose Street (VOA Site) Environmental Easement; 18 Ambrose Street (VOA Site) SMP |
95 Ames Street | 120.41-1-1.002 | NYSDEC - 828028A | 95 Ames Street 2003 Covenants & Restrictions; 95 Ames Street 2005 EMP |
188 Anderson Ave | 106.84-1-4.002 | NYSDEC - 828088 | Former Davis-Howland Oil Corporation Site SMP; |
190 Anderson Ave | 106.84-1-7 | NYSDEC - 828088 | Former Davis-Howland Oil Corporation Site SMP; Easement for 190-200 and 220 Anderson Ave |
192 Anderson Ave | 106.84-1-6 | NYSDEC - 828088 | Former Davis-Howland Oil Corporation Site SMP; Easement for 190-200 and 220 Anderson Ave |
220 Anderson Ave | 106.84-1-5 | NYSDEC - 828088 | Former Davis-Howland Oil Corporation Site SMP; Easement for 190-200 and 220 Anderson Ave |
84 Andrews Street | 106.78-1-19 | NYSDEC - V00073 | 84 Andrews Street (RGE - Front Street) NYSDEC Database Record; 84 Andrews Street (RGE - Front Street) NYSDEC Fact Sheet |
234 Andrews Street | 106.79-1-24 | NYSDEC - C828127 | 242 Andrews St & 37 Bittner St NYSDEC Database Record |
245 Andrews Street | 106.79-1-33 | NYSDEC - C828128 | 245 Andrews Street (Silver Cleaners) Record of Decision (ROD); 245 Andrews Street (Silver Cleaners) NYSDEC Fact Sheet |
300 Andrews Street | 106.72-1-86 | NYSDEC - E828144 | Andrews Street SMP, Andrews Street Easement |
304-308 Andrews Street | 106.72-1-85.001 | NYSDEC - E828145 | Andrews Street SMP, Andrews Street Easement |
320 Andrews Street | 106.72-1-84.001 | NYSDEC - E828146 | Andrews Street SMP, Andrews Street Easement |
298 Arnett Boulevard | 120.65-2-22 | City DEQ | NBD Notice - Contact Paul Scuderi |
182 Avenue D | 091.77-2-31 | NYSDEC - C828189 | 182 Avenue D NYSDEC Easement, 182 Ave D SMP, 182 Ave D SMP Appendices 1-3, 182 Ave D SMP Appendices 4-10 |
50 Balfour Drive | 091.69-2-23.001 | NYSDEC - 828188 | NYSDEC Site 828188 Record of Decision, Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Report |
37 Bittner Street | 106.79-1-22 | NYSDEC - C828127 | 242 Andrews St & 37 Bittner St NYSDEC Database Record |
51 Bittner Street | 106.71-1-28 | NYSDEC - C828127 | 242 Andrews St & 37 Bittner St NYSDEC Database Record |
390 Blossom Road | 122.32-1-58 | NYSDEC - C828199 | 390 Blossom Rd (Carlson Park) Draft Supplemental Work Plan; 390 Blossom Rd (Carlson Park) NYSDEC Database Record |
118 Bremen Street | 091.63-1-18 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
122 Bremen Street | 091.63-1-17 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
128 Bremen Street | 091.63-1-16 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
134 Bremen Street | 091.63-1-15 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
138 Bremen Street | 091.63-1-14 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
144 Bremen Street | 091.63-1-13 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
150 Bremen Street | 091.63-1-12 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
156 Bremen Street | 091.55-2-38 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
162 Bremen Street | 091.55-2-39 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
166 Bremen Street | 091.55-2-40 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
172 Bremen Street | 091.55-2-41 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
178 Bremen Street | 091.55-2-42 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
182 Bremen Street | 091.55-2-43 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
188 Bremen Street | 091.55-2-44 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
194 Bremen Street | 091.55-2-45 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
200 Bremen Street | 091.55-2-46 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
204 Bremen Street | 091.55-2-47 | City DEQ | NYSDEC Site E828132_Record of Decision |
125 Brewer Street | 105.28-2-3.001 | NYSDEC - V00214 | 125 Brewer St (RGE Brewer St site) SMP |
755 Brooks Ave | 135.39-1-1 | NYSDEC - 828095 | 755 Brooks Ave Environmental Easement |
760 Brooks Ave | 135.31-1-74.003 | NYSDEC Spill #9301027 | 760 Brooks Ave NYSDEC RCRA Site Permit Restriction; 760 Brooks Ave Soil and Groundwater Management Plan |
762 Brooks Ave | 135.31-1-74.004 | NYSDEC Spill #9301027 | 760 Brooks Ave NYSDEC RCRA Site Permit Restriction; 760 Brooks Ave Soil and Groundwater Management Plan |
4 Brown's Race | 106.70-1-8.006 | NYSDEC - 828010 | 4 Brown's Race NYSDEC Database Record |
15 Cairn Street | 120.53-1-4 | NYSDEC - 828122 | Barthelmes Manufacturing Site No. 828122 Record of Decision |
67-89 Canal Street | 120.36-2-1.002 | NYSDEC - C828206 | 67-89 Canal Street Alternatives Analysis Report and Remedial Action Work Plan; 67-89 Canal Street Brownfield Cleanup Agreement (BCA) |
90 Canal Street | 121.29-1-1 | NYSDEC - V00594 | 90 Canal St NYSDEC Database Record |
536 Central Ave | 106.64-2-70 | CITY DEQ | Soil and Groundwater Management Plan 2023 |
50 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-36.002 | CITY DEQ | 14-58 Charlotte Street REVISED 2011 |
60 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.010 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP |
62 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.009 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP |
64 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.008 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP |
66 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.007 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP, |
68 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.006 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP, |
70 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.005 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP |
72 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.004 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP |
74 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.003 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP |
76 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.013 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP |
78 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.012 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP |
80 Charlotte Street | 106.81-2-47.0 | CITY DEQ | 80-100 Charlotte St EMP |
51 Chili Avenue | 120.50-1-8 | CITY DEQ | 51 Chili Avenue - Soil & Groundwater Management Plan |
1005 Chili Avenue | 120.69-1-4.002 | CITY DEQ | Environmental Management Plan (EMP) |
7 Circle Street | 106.75-1-18.2 | NYSDEC - C828160 | 935-951 E. Main Street (Staub's Textile Services, Inc.) Record of Decision |
110-210 Colfax Street | 105.45-01-01.3 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
145 Colfax Street | 105.52-1-5.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
225 Colfax Street | 104.52-1-4.001 | NYSDEC - 828145 | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
305 Colfax Street | 104.52-1-4.002 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
330 Colfax Street | 104.52-1-7 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
333 Colfax Street | 104.52-1-3 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
351 Colfax Street | 104.52-1-2 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
361 Colfax Street | 104.52-1-1.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
395 Colfax Street | 104.44-1-17 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
535 Colfax Street | 104.36-2-17.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
575 Colfax Street | 104.36-1-39.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
655 Colfax Street | 104.28-1-28 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
30 Coretta Scott Crossing | 121.61-3-1 | CITY DEQ | 30,45 Coretta Scott, & 1,6 Lunsford |
45 Coretta Scott Crossing | 121.61-3-3 | CITY DEQ | 30,45 Coretta Scott, & 1,6 Lunsford |
0000 Cottage Street | 135.28-2-55 | NYSDEC - C828190 | 2019 NYSDEC Vacuum Oil Fact Sheet |
1 Cottage Street | 136.21-1-1 | NYSDEC - C828190 | 2019 NYSDEC Vacuum Oil Fact Sheet |
13 Cottage Street | 136-21-1-3 | NYSDEC - C828190 | 2019 NYSDEC Vacuum Oil Fact Sheet |
31 Cottage Street | 136.21-1-4 | NYSDEC - C828190 | 2019 NYSDEC Vacuum Oil Fact Sheet |
69 Cottage Street | 135.28-2-45 | NYSDEC - C828190 | 2019 NYSDEC Vacuum Oil Fact Sheet |
75 Cottage Street | 135.28-2-44 | NYSDEC - C828190 | 2019 NYSDEC Vacuum Oil Fact Sheet |
1630 Dewey Ave | 090.34-2-41 | NYSDEC - C828163 | 1630 Dewey Ave SMP, 1630 Dewey Ave Environmental Easement |
95-105 Dodge Street | 105.69-1-7 | NYSDEC - C828105 | 1006 Jay Street and 95-105 Dodge Street Record of Decision |
666 Driving Park Ave | 090.80-1-3.001 | NYSDEC - C828142 | 666 Driving Park NYSDEC Database Record |
400 E. Main Street | 106.80-2-66 | CITY DEQ | Block F |
420 E. Main Street | 106.80-2-19.001 | CITY DEQ | Block F, 420 E. Main EMP |
527-533 E. Main Street | 106.81-2-12 | NYSDEC - 828164 | 527-533 E. Main Street (Former Elite Vogue Dry Cleaners) Record of Decision |
935 E. Main Street | 106.75-1-39 | NYSDEC - C828160 | 935-951 E. Main Street (Staub's Textile Services, Inc.) Record of Decision |
962 E. Main Street | 106.75-1-6.001 | NYSDEC - C828210 | 962, 966 & 972-974 E. Main Street (Rochester Steel Treating Works Inc.) Remedial Investigation/Alternatives Analysis Work Plan |
966 E. Main Street | 106.75-1-7.001 | NYSDEC - C828210 | 962, 966 & 972-974 E. Main Street (Rochester Steel Treating Works Inc.) Remedial Investigation/Alternatives Analysis Work Plan |
972 E. Main Street | 106.75-1-8.001 | NYSDEC - C828210 | 962, 966 & 972-974 E. Main Street (Rochester Steel Treating Works Inc.) Remedial Investigation/Alternatives Analysis Work Plan |
1200 E. Main Street | 106.76-1-44 | NYSDEC - B00129 | 1200 East Main SMP (updated 2021) 1200 East Main Environmental Easement |
1214-1216 E. Main Street | 106.76-1-43 | CITY DEQ | East Main St & Laura Properties Environmental Management Plan |
1222 E. Main Street | 106.76-1-42 | CITY DEQ | East Main St & Laura Properties Environmental Management Plan |
1228-1230 E. Main Street | 106.76-1-41 | CITY DEQ | East Main St & Laura Properties Environmental Management Plan |
1240 E. Main Street | 107.69-1-91.002 | CITY DEQ | East Main St & Laura Properties Environmental Management Plan |
1252 E. Main Street | 107.69-1-89 | CITY DEQ | East Main St & Laura Properties Environmental Management Plan |
2177 E. Main Street | 107.81-2-7 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
200 East Ave | 121.25-1-16 | CITY DEQ | 200 East Ave |
1181 Emerson Street | 105.37-1-22.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1335 Emerson Street | 105.37-1-25.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1365 Emerson Street | 105.37-1-26 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1385 Emerson Street | 105.37-1-27 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1425 Emerson Street | 104.44-1-14.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1444 Emerson Street | 104.44-1-8.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1455 Emerson Street | 104.44-1-16.003 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1520 Emerson Street | 104.44-1-26.002 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1525 Emerson Street | 104.44-1-18 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1555 Emerson Street | 104.44-1-19 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1560 Emerson Street | 104.44-1-25.002 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1570 Emerson Street | 104.44-1-2.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1575 Emerson Street | 104.44-1-20 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1580 Emerson Street | 104.44-1-1.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1640 Emerson Street | 104.43-1-6.003 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1645 Emerson Street | 104.43-1-12.002 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1660 Emerson Street | 104.35-1-18.002 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1700 Emerson Street | 104.35-1-2.005 | NYSDEC - 828023 | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1727 Emerson Street | 104.43-1-29 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1740 Emerson Street | 104.43-1-4 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1769 Emerson Street | 104.43-1-34.002 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1770 Emerson Street | 104.43-1-35 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1845 Emerson Street | 104.42-1-3.003 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
19-23 Emmett Street | 106.62-1-21.001 | NYSDEC - C828117 | St. Paul, Ward, Emmett Environmental Easement |
25 Evans Street | 106.72-1-87.001 | NYSDEC - E828144 | Andrews Street SMP, Andrews Street NYSDEC Easement |
5 Excel Drive | 091.63-1-2.004 | CITY DEQ | Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP (2022) |
10 Excel Drive | 091.63-1-2.007 | CITY DEQ | Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP (Revised 6-7-22) |
25 Excel Drive | 091.63-1-2.005 | CITY DEQ | Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP (Revised 6-7-22) |
40 Excel Drive | 091.63-1-2.008 | CITY DEQ | Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP (Revised 6-7-22) |
45 Excel Drive | 091.63-1-2.006 | CITY DEQ | Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP (Revised 6-7-22) |
60 Excel Drive | 091.55-1-36 | CITY DEQ | Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP (Revised 6-7-22), 69 Seneca Ave SGMP_09-05-2018 |
80 Excel Drive | 091.55-1-37 | CITY DEQ | Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP (Revised 6-7-22), 69 Seneca Ave SGMP_09-05-2018 |
85 Excel Drive | 091.55-1-35.001 | CITY DEQ | Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP (Revised 6-7-22) |
180 Exchange Blvd | 121.39-1-4 | CITY DEQ | 180-182 Exchange St. EMP |
182 Exchange Blvd | 121.39-1-3.001 | CITY DEQ | 180-182 Exchange St. EMP |
200 Exchange Blvd | 121.39-1-5.001 | CITY DEQ | Corn Hill Landing SMP 200-300 Exchange Blvd |
220 Exchange Blvd | 121.39-1-8.003 | CITY DEQ | Corn Hill Landing SMP 200-300 Exchange Blvd |
300 Exchange Blvd | 121.39-1-8.002 | CITY DEQ | Corn Hill Landing SMP 200-300 Exchange Blvd |
936 Exchange Blvd | 121.77-1-7 | NYSDEC - C828193 | Vacuum Oil Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Work Plan |
100 Falls Street | 106.61-1-26.001 | NYSDEC - 828205 | RGE West Station (Bee Bee Station) Decision Document 2018 |
10 Felix Street | 105.50-2-3.001 | NYSDEC | 10 Felix Street |
42 Fernwood Ave | 106.27-1-77 | NYSDEC - 828106 | Environmental Notice |
100 Fernwood Ave | 106.27-1-5 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place , 100 Fernwood Ave. SMP |
180 Ferrano Street | 105.45-1-2.003 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
200 Ferrano Street | 105.53-1-1.002 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
400 Ferrano Street | 104.52-1-5.002 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
480 Ferrano Street | 104.52-1-6 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
5 Flint Street | 121.77-1-10.001 | NYSDEC - C828162 | NYSDEC Site C828162 Fact Sheet |
15 Flint Street | 121.77-1-11 | NYSDEC - C828162 | NYSDEC Site C828162 Fact Sheet |
22 Flint Street | 121.77-1-8 | NYSDEC - C828193 | Remedial Investigation Work Plan (2019) |
562 Ford Street | 121.62-1-35 | CITY DEQ | 425 & 435 Mt. Hope, 562 Ford |
101-113 Franklin Street | 106-80-1-25.001 | CITY DEQ | 101-113 Franklin Street & 106 Pleasant Street EMP |
57 Gardiner Avenue | 120.48-1-68.002 | CITY DEQ | 57 Gardiner Avenue Soil Management Plan (SMP) |
68-92 Genesee Street | 120.50-2-3 | NYSDEC -828198 | 68-92 Genesee Street Order on Consent |
414 Genesee Street | 120.66-2-34 | CITY DEQ | 414 Genesee Street |
937-941 Genesee Street | 135.34-2-36 | CITY DEQ | 937 Genesee Street EMP |
910 Genesee Street | 135.35-1-20.001 | CITY DEQ | Brooks Landing |
970 Genesee Street | 135.34-3-22.002 | CITY DEQ | Brooks Landing |
1000 Genesee Street | 135.42-2-1.002 | CITY DEQ | Brooks Landing |
1006 Genesee Street | 135.42-2-37.001 | CITY DEQ | Brooks Landing |
14 Glendale | 105.27-3-7 | NYSDEC - C828147 | NYSDEC C828147 Database Record |
399 Gregory Street | 121.65.1-53 | NYSDEC - C828091 | 399 Gregory St. SMP, 399 Gregory St. Environmental Easement, COC Davidson Collision |
485 Hague Street | 105.80-1-13.001 | NYSDEC - C828216 | 485 Hague Street Factsheet, 485 Hague Street Final SMP |
245 Hollenbeck Street | 091.70-1-5 | NYSDEC - C828188 | NYSDEC Site 828188 Record of Decision, Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Report |
0000 Hudson Ave | 061.22-1-5 | NYSDEC - C282140 | NYSDEC Site C282140 Database Record |
872 Hudson | 091.81-2-59 | NYSDEC - C828209 | 872 & 886 Hudson Ave Easement; Former Wollensack Optical (C828209) Site Management Plan |
886 Hudson | 091.81-2-58 | NYSDEC - C828209 | 872 & 886 Hudson Ave Easement; Former Wollensack Optical (C828209) Site Management Plan |
25 Ilex Place | 106.27-1-93 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place |
29 Ilex Place | 106.27-1-87 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place |
33 Ilex Place | 106.27-1-88 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place |
39 Ilex Place | 106.27-1-89 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place |
43 Ilex Place | 106.27-1-90 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place |
49 Ilex Place | 106.27-1-91 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place |
55 Ilex Place | 106.27-1-92 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place |
1030 Jay Street | 105.80-1-11.001 | CITY DEQ | 1030 Jay Street |
1600 Jay Street | 105.77-1-1 | NYSDEC - 828105 | 1600 Jay Street & 95-105 Dodge Street Record of Decision |
54 Jefferson Avenue | 120.360-0001-080.001 | CITY DEQ | 54 Jefferson Spill 1801598, SGMP 54 Jefferson Ave FINAL |
540 Jefferson Avenue | 120.68-1-21.002 | CITY DEQ | 540 Jefferson Ave Soil & Groundwater Management Plan |
687 Joseph Avenue | 106.23-4-25.001 | CITY DEQ | 687 Joseph Ave |
100 Lake Ave | 105.6.2-13 | NYSDEC - 828100 | Environmental Notice, Flagging Form |
214 Lake Ave | 105.60-2-1.002 | NYSDEC - C828126 | VOA (214 Lake Avenue - 18 Ambrose Place) SMP, Environmental Easement C828126 |
1560 Lake Ave | 090.44-1-1.002 | NYSDEC - C828213 | NYSDEC Fact Sheet; BCP Agreement 2020 |
1640 Lake Ave | 090.36-1-30.002 | NYSDEC - 828071 | Environmental Easement 828071 |
1645 Lake Ave | 090.35-1-2.003 | NYSDEC - 828071 | Environmental Easement 828071 |
1650 Lake Ave | 090.36-1-39 | NYSDEC - 828071 | Environmental Easement 828071 |
1850 Lake Ave | 090.28-1-29.001 | NYSDEC - 828071 | Environmental Easement 828071 |
1991 Lake Ave | 075.83-1-18.003/EBPK | NYSDEC - 828071 | Environmental Easement 828071 |
4600 Lake Avenue | 047.44-1-1.005 | CITY DEQ | Port of Rochester |
4630 Lake Avenue | 047.55-1-1.002 | CITY DEQ | Port of Rochester |
4640 Lake Avenue | 047.47-1-7 | CITY DEQ | Port of Rochester |
4650 Lake Avenue | 047.55-1-6.001 | CITY DEQ | Port of Rochester |
4740 Lake Avenue | 047.55-1-8 | CITY DEQ | Port of Rochester |
4752 Lake Avenue | 047.55-1-1.006 | CITY DEQ | Port of Rochester |
1 Laura Street | 106.76-1-40 | CITY DEQ | East Main & Laura Properties EMP |
4 Laura Street | 107.69-1-93 | CITY DEQ | East Main & Laura Properties EMP |
7 Laura Street | 106.76-1-39 | CITY DEQ | East Main & Laura Properties EMP |
8 Laura Street | 107.69-1-94 | CITY DEQ | East Main & Laura Properties EMP |
10 Laura Street | 107.69-1-95 | CITY DEQ | East Main & Laura Properties EMP |
11 Laura Street | 106.76-1-38 | CITY DEQ | East Main & Laura Properties EMP |
456 Lee Road | 104.42-1-2.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
500 Lee Road | 104.35-1-2.004 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
1000 Lexington Avenue | 090.79-1-1.002 | NYSDEC - 828064 | 1000 Lexington Avenue NYSDEC Database Record |
1655 Lexington Avenue | 104.27-1-38.002 | NYSDEC - 828203 | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
33 Litchfield Street | 120.36-2-20 | NYSDEC - C828184 | 33 Litchfield Street SMP 2014 |
1 Lunsford Lane | 121.53-2-25.010 | CITY DEQ | 30,45 Coretta Scott, & 1,6 Lunsford |
6 Lunsford Lane | 121.53-2-25.012 | CITY DEQ | 30,45 Coretta Scott, & 1,6 Lunsford |
1510 Lyell Ave | 105.61-1-64 | NYSDEC - V00217 | 1510 Lyell, 30 Steel EMP, 1510 Lyell Ave Environmental Easement |
1525-1685 Lyell Ave | 104.76-1-3.006 | NYSDEC - 828099 | 1525-1685 Lyell Ave Easement |
965 Maple Street | 120.32-1-1 | CITY DEQ | 965 Maple Street |
450 Maplewood Dr | 090.28-1-8/EBPK | NYSDEC - 828071 | Environmental Easement 828071 |
17-19 Matthews Street | 121.25-1-15 | CITY DEQ | Revised_Scio-Matthews St_SGMP 07-18-2018 |
60 McCrackanville Street | 104.36-2-23.001 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
100 McKee Road | 120.37-1-1 | NYSDEC - 828018A | Valeo Former GM Record of Decision Valeo Former GM Environmental Easement |
176 McKee Road | 120.29-1-5 | NYSDEC - 828018a | Valeo Former GM Record of Decision Valeo Former GM Environmental Easement |
295 McKee Road | 120.21-1-2 | NYSDEC - 828006 | Valeo Former GM Record of Decision Valeo Former GM Environmental Easement |
793 Monroe Ave | 121.67-3-18 | CITY DEQ | Contact Elaine Spaull (585) 473-2462 |
38-46 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.48-1-80 | NYSDEC - 828194 | 38-46 Mt. Hope Ave Record of Decision |
151 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.47-1-44 | CITY DEQ | 151-191 Mt. Hope Ave Soil & Groundwater Management Plan |
171 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.55-1-55.001 | CITY DEQ | 151-191 Mt. Hope Ave Soil & Groundwater Management Plan |
173 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.55-1-56 | CITY DEQ | 151-191 Mt. Hope Ave Soil & Groundwater Management Plan |
175 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.55-1-57 | CITY DEQ | 151-191 Mt. Hope Ave Soil & Groundwater Management Plan |
177 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.55-1-60 | CITY DEQ | 151-191 Mt. Hope Ave Soil & Groundwater Management Plan |
185 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.55-1-59.002 | NYSDEC - C828125 | 185 Mt. Hope Ave EMP, 185 Mt. Hope Ave Environmental Easement |
191 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.55-1-58 | CITY DEQ | 151-191 Mt. Hope Ave Soil & Groundwater Management Plan |
205 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.55-1-59.001 | NYSDEC - C828126 | 205 Mt. Hope Ave Environmental Easement, Erie Harbor SMP 205 Mt. Hope |
425 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.62-1-33 | CITY DEQ | 425 & 435 Mt. Hope, 562 Ford |
435 Mt. Hope Ave | 121.62-1-34 | CITY DEQ | 425 & 435 Mt. Hope, 562 Ford |
95 Mt. Read Blvd | 120.38-1-1 | NYSDEC - C828085 | 95 Mt Read Order on Consent |
2400 Mt. Read Blvd | 090.23-1-9.002/EBPK | NYSDEC - 828092 | Environmental Easement 828092 |
2447 Mt. Read Blvd | 090.38-1-1 | NYSDEC - 828002 | Environmental Easement 828002 and 828082 |
274-390 N. Goodman Street | 106.84-1-10.001 | NYSDEC - C828115 | 0274-0390 N. Goodman Street; 274-390 N. Goodman St Site Management Plan |
10 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-32.001 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
20 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-32.002 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
25 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-35.001 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
28 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-32.003 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
35 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-35.002 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
38 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-32.004 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
46 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-32.005 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
49 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-36.006 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
61 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-36.005 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
67 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-35.003 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
73 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-17.004 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
74 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-18.006 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
82 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-18.007 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
85 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-17.003 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
86 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-18.002 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
90 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-18.008 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
99 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-65.001 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
108 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-17.002 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
111 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-65.002 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
116 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-17.001 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
124 Newcroft Park | 107.81-2-66.001 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
100 North Chestnut Street | 106.80-2-61 | CITY DEQ | Block F |
113-117 North Clinton Ave | 106.79-1-30 | NYSDEC - C828195 | 113-117 N. Clinton Environmental Easement 2019; 113-117 N. Clinton Ave Site Management Plan |
675 North Clinton Ave | 106.46-2-24 | CITY DEQ | Los Flamboyanes SMP, Operations and Maintenance Plan |
676 North Clinton Ave | 106.47-1-1 | CITY DEQ | Los Flamboyanes SMP, Operations and Maintenance Plan |
720 North Clinton Ave | 106.39-4-63 | CITY DEQ | Los Flamboyanes SMP, Operations and Maintenance Plan |
744 North Clinton Ave | 106.39-4-64 | CITY DEQ | Los Flamboyanes SMP, Operations and Maintenance Plan |
828 North Clinton Ave | 106.39-1-80.002 | CITY DEQ | La Marketa Environmental Management Plan |
1633 North Clinton Ave | 091.54-1-19 | NYSDEC - 8281898 | Former Kal Tool & Die - NYSDEC Database Record |
1000 North River Street | 047.55-1-1.003 | CITY DEQ | Port of Rochester Marina EMP (2013) |
424 Norton Street | 091.63-1-1 | CITY DEQ | Excel Drive and 424 Norton Street EMP (revised 6-7-22) |
28 Oakman Street | 106.46-1-15 | CITY DEQ | 28 Oakman Street SMP, Phase II ESA - Oakman St 3925S-07 |
415 Orchard Street | 105.66-3-23 | NYSDEC - E828123 | Orchard-Whitney SMP, Environmental Easement E828123 |
149 Palm Street | 090.34-2-42.001 | NYSDEC - C828163 | 149 Palm Street Environmental Easement 2012; 149 Palm Street SMP |
105 Petten Street | 061.22-9-1 | NYSDEC - C828130 | Petten St Marina Interim SMP, Petten St Marina Control Plan Phase I |
115 Petten Street | 061.22-1-10 | NYSDEC - C828130 | Petten St Marina Interim SMP, Petten St Marina Control Plan Phase I |
118 Petten Street | 061.30-1-8.006 | NYSDEC - C828130 | Petten St Marina Interim SMP, Petten St Marina Control Plan Phase I |
10-30 Phil Banks Way | 090.63-1-1.004 | NYSDEC - B00016 | Former Photech Site Management Plan; Former Photech NYSDEC Easement |
25-65 Phil Banks Way | 090.62-1-8 | NYSDEC - B00016 | Former Photech Site Management Plan; Former Photech NYSDEC Easement |
40-80 Phil Banks Way | 090.63-1-1.005 | NYSDEC - B00016 | Former Photech Site Management Plan; Former Photech NYSDEC Easement |
85-95 Phil Banks Way | 090.62-1-9 | NYSDEC - B00016 | Former Photech Site Management Plan; Former Photech NYSDEC Easement |
100 Platt Street | 106.70-1-1.000 | NYSDEC - 828205 | 100 Platt Street Decision Document; 100 Platt Street Consent Order |
106 Pleasant Street | 106.80-1-44.003 | CITY DEQ | 106 Pleasant Street & 101-113 Franklin Street EMP |
690 Portland Ave | 106.27-1-86 | NYSDEC - C828151 | 690 Portland Ave NYSDEC Database Record |
2 Reynolds Street | 120.44-2-1.032 | CITY DEQ | Anthony Square |
38 Reynolds Street | 120.44-2-88 | CITY DEQ | 38 Reynolds Site Management Plan; 38 Reynolds ESA Phase II |
121-123 Reynolds Street | 120.52-3-18.001 | CITY DEQ | 121-123 Reynolds Street Soil & Groundwater Management Plan |
1290 Ridgeway Ave | 090.37-1-2.003 | NYSDEC - 828002/828082 | Environmental Easement 828002 and 828082 |
1300 Ridgeway Ave | 090.37-1-1 | NYSDEC - 828002/828082 | Environmental Easement 828002 and 828082 |
1306 Ridgeway Ave | 089.12-1-7 | NYSDEC - 828002/828082 | Environmental Easement 828002 and 828082 |
1510 Ridgeway Ave | 089.12-1-5 | NYSDEC - 828002/828082 | Environmental Easement 828002 and 828082 |
1546 Ridgeway Ave | 089.12-1-4 | NYSDEC- 828002/828082 | Environmental Easement 828002 and 828082 |
1566 Ridgeway Ave | 089.12-1-3 | NYSDEC - 828002/828082 | Environmental Easement 828002 and 828082 |
1632 Ridgeway Ave | 089.12-1-2 | NYSDEC - 828002/828082 | Environmental Easement 828002 and 828082 |
1762 Ridgeway Ave | 089.11-5-5 | NYSDEC - 828002/828082 | Environmental Easement 828002 and 828082 |
465 River Street | 047.62-1-22 | NYSDEC -V00524 | CSXT Sediment Management Plan 2009; CSXT River St. Derailment SMP 2012 |
490 River Street | 047.70-2-63.001 | CITY DEQ | 490 River Street, CSXT River Street Sediment Management Plan |
100 Riverview Place | 136.21-1-2 | NYSDEC - C282190 | 2019 NYSDEC Vacuum Oil Fact Sheet |
31 Rosemary Drive | 091.83-3-19 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place |
35 Rosemary Drive | 091.83-3-19 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place |
41 Rosemary Drive | 091.83-3-19 | NYSDEC - C828119 | 100, 142 Fernwood Ave, 31, 35, 41 Rosemary Drive, 25, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 55 Ilex Place |
1012 S. Clinton Ave | 121.74-5-68 | NYSDEC- 828103 | 1012 S. Clinton Avenue (Dinaburg Distributing, Inc.) Record of Decision |
625 S. Goodman St | 121.65-2-39 | NYSDEC - 828201 | 625 South Goodman Site Management Plan |
19 S. Plymouth Ave | 121.30-1-16.001 | CITY DEQ | 99 West Main St - Center City Courtyard EMP |
1315 S. Plymouth Ave | 135.35-1-18.005 | CITY DEQ | Brooks Landing |
1320 S. Plymouth Ave | 135.28-2-63 | NYSDEC - C828190 | 2019 NYSDEC Vacuum Oil Fact Sheet |
1470 S. Plymouth | 135.42-2-38 | CITY DEQ | Soil and Groundwater Management Plan Sub-area I 2003 |
1500 S. Plymouth Ave | 135.34-3-22.003 | CITY DEQ | Brooks Landing |
10 S. Washington St | 121.30-1-16.001 | CITY DEQ | 99 West Main St - Center City Courtyard EMP |
16 S. Washington St | 121.30-1-16.001 | CITY DEQ | 99 West Main St - Center City Courtyard EMP |
399 Saxton Street | 105.75-1-3 | CITY DEQ | 935 West Broad and 399 Saxton Street |
62-64 Scio St | 106-81-2-57 | CITY DEQ | SMP 62-64 Scio Street |
185 Scio St | 106.73-3-17.004 | NYSDEC - spill #0906903 | 185 Scio St Soil and Groundwater Management Plan (NYSDEC spill #0906903) |
1100 Scottsville Road | 135.18-2-1.001 | NYSDEC - 828015 | RFA Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions; RFA Operations and Maintenance Manual |
1200 Scottsville Road | 135.18-2-1.002 | NYSDEC - 828015 | RFA Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions; RFA Operations and Maintenance Manual |
24 Seneca Avenue | 091.63-1-11 | NYSDEC - E828132 | NYSDEC Record of Decision 24 Seneca Avenue; 24 Seneca (Stanley Black & Decker) Consent Order |
69 Seneca Avenue | 091.63-1-3.001 | CITY DEQ | SMP DuPont Rochester Seneca 7-31-18 Complete Final |
86 Smith Street | 106.53-1-10 | NYSDEC - 828204 | 86 Smith Street RGE East Record of Decision 6-28-22, 86 Smith Street RGE East Fact Sheet 6-28-22 |
584 Smith Street | 105.75-2-56 | CITY DEQ | DES Generic Soil and Groundwater Management Program |
420 South Ave | 121.48-1-51 | CITY DEQ | 420 South Ave SGMP, 420 South Ave. NYSDEC NFA Letter 9-3-2010 |
24 Spencer Street | 105.52-1-13 | NYSDEC - 828107 | 24 Spencer Street; Record of Decision 2011 |
67 Spencer Street | 105.60-2-7.004 | NYSDEC - 828100 | Environmental Notice, Flagging Form |
55-57 St. Paul Street | 106.79-1-61.001 | CITY DEQ | 55-57 & 61 St. Paul Soil and Groundwater Management Plan |
376 St. Paul Street | 106.62-1-32 | NYSDEC - C828117 | St. Paul, Ward, Emmett Environmental Easement |
384 St. Paul Street | 106.62-1-31 | NYSDEC - C828117 | St. Paul, Ward, Emmett Environmental Easement |
388 St. Paul Street | 106.62-1-30 | NYSDEC - C828117 | St. Paul, Ward, Emmett Environmental Easement |
398 St. Paul Street | 106.62-1-29 | NYSDEC- C828117 | St. Paul, Ward, Emmett Environmental Easement |
408 St. Paul Street | 106.62-1-28 | NYSDEC- C828117 | St. Paul, Ward, Emmett Environmental Easement |
690 St. Paul Street | 106.45-1-24 | NYSDEC - C828159A | 690 St. Paul Environmental Easement, NYSDEC Fact Sheet, 690 St Paul St Final SMP_w Modifications |
1405 St. Paul Street | 090.84-1-2.001 | NYSDEC - C828203 | Remedial Investigation Work Plan 2019 |
1447 St. Paul Street | 090.84-1-3.001 | NYSDEC - C828207 | SSDS Work Plan; Remedial Investigation Work Plan Parcel 1B 2019 |
30 Steel Street | 105.61-1-63 | NYSDEC - V00217 | 1510 Lyell, 30 Steel |
80 Steel Street | 105.53-1-4 | NYSDEC - 828146 | 80 Steel Street NYSDEC Database Record |
5 Stutson Street | 047.71-1-4 | NYSDEC - C282140 | Stutson Street & Thomas Ave Properties NYSDEC Database Record |
20 Stutson Street | 047.71-1-3 | NYSDEC - C282140 | Stutson Street & Thomas Ave Properties NYSDEC Database Record |
25 Stutson Street | 047.78-1-6 | NYSDEC - C282140 | Stutson Street & Thomas Ave Properties NYSDEC Database Record |
65 Sullivan St | 106.39-1-33 | NYSDEC - 828214 | 65 Sullivan Phase II Report - Day Environmental Inc., 2019 |
1007 Thomas Ave | 047.78-1-9 | NYSDEC - C282140 | Stuston Street & Thomas Ave Properties NYSDEC Database Record |
1015 Thomas Ave | 047.78-1-10 | NYSDEC - C282140 | Stuston Street & Thomas Ave Properties NYSDEC Database Record |
1035 Thomas Ave | 047.78-1-7 | NYSDEC - C282140 | Stuston Street & Thomas Ave Properties NYSDEC Database Record |
330 Thurston Road | 120.80-1-5 | CITY DEQ | 330 Thurston Rd SGMP |
3 Trinidad Street | 106.58-1-51.001 | CITY DEQ | 3 Trinidad Street |
294 Troup Street | 120.44-2-1.003 | CITY DEQ | Anthony Square |
65 Trowbridge St | 121.210-1-46.001 | NYSDEC - 828217 | 65 Trowbridge Interim Remedial Measures Work Plan |
200 University Ave | 106.81-1-16.004 | CITY DEQ | Environmental Management Plan (EMP) |
55 Vanguard Parkway | 104.43-1-35.005 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
105 Vanguard Parkway | 104.51-1-7 | CITY DEQ | FESL Sub-Slab Ventilation Guidance Document, FESL Waste Fill Guidance Document |
102 Violetta Street | 121.70-1-39.001 | NYSDEC - C828190 | 2019 NYSDEC Vacuum Oil Fact Sheet |
900 W. Broad Street | 105.75.02-06.003 | NYSDEC - C828121 | Environmental Easement V00099; Former Erie Canal Industrial Park SMP |
935 W. Broad Street | 105.75-1-2 | CITY DEQ | 935 West Broad and 399 Saxton Street |
99 W. Main St. | 121.30-1-16.001 | CITY DEQ | 99 West Main St - Center City Courtyard EMP |
103 W. Main St. | 121.30-1-16.001 | CITY DEQ | 99 West Main St - Center City Courtyard EMP |
119 W. Main St. | 121.30-1-16.001 | CITY DEQ | 99 West Main St - Center City Courtyard EMP |
129 W. Main St. | 121.30-1-16.001 | CITY DEQ | 99 West Main St - Center City Courtyard EMP |
133 W. Main St. | 121.30-1-16.001 | CITY DEQ | 99 West Main St - Center City Courtyard EMP |
139 W. Main St. | 121.30-1-16.001 | CITY DEQ | 99 West Main St - Center City Courtyard EMP |
141 W. Main St. | 121.30-1-16.001 | CITY DEQ | 99 West Main St - Center City Courtyard EMP |
331-337 W Main Street | 121.29-1-30.001 | NYSDEC - C828102 | NYSDEC Record of Decision 331-337 W Main Street |
200 W Ridge Rd | 090.35-1-2.006/EBPK | NYSDEC - 828071 | Environmental Easement 828071 |
325 W Ridge Rd | 090.26-2-14.002 | NYSDEC - 828071 | Environmental Easement 828071 |
725 W Ridge Rd | 090.25-1-1/EBPK | NYSDEC - 828074 | Environmental Easement 828074 |
773 W Ridge Rd | 090.24-1-1 | NYSDEC - 828074 | Environmental Easement 828074 |
32 Webster Avenue | 106.68-2-61.001 | NYSDEC Spill #1504683 | 32 Webster Soil and Groundwater Management Plan (SGMP) |
33B Weiland Rd | 090.37-1-3.001 | NYSDEC - 828002/828082 | Environmental Easement 828002 and 828082 |
354 Whitney Street | 105.66-3-24 | NYSDEC- E828123 | Orchard-Whitney SMP, Environmental Easement E828123 |
501 Wilkins Street | 106.25-2-65 | NYSDEC - V00664 | 501-513 Wilkins Street |
513 Wilkins Street | 106.25-2-66 | NYSDEC - v00664 | 501-513 Wilkins Street |
65 Wilton Terrace | 120.64-2-57.001 | CITY DEQ | 65-75 Wilton Terrace SMP, 65-75 Wilton Terrace SMP 09-01-2014 |
73 Woodstock Road | 107.81-2-18.005 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
79 Woodstock Road | 107.81-2-18.004 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
85 Woodstock Road | 107.81-2-18.003 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
93 Woodstock Road | 107.81-2-18.001 | CITY DEQ | Declaration of Environmental Conditions, Restrictions and Covenants |
24 York Street | 120.42-2-70 | CITY DEQ | 24 & 32 York Street Environmental Cleanup Webpage |
32 York Street | 120.42-2-71 | CITY DEQ | 24 & 32 York Street Environmental Cleanup Webpage |