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Marina Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Appendices

About the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)

The City of Rochester has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for its Port Public Marina & Mixed Use Development Project and is making the DEIS available for public comment. The City, as the project sponsor, is proposing to redevelop the Port of Rochester area in order to enhance public waterfront recreational facilities and to encourage and support economic development consistent with the goals of our Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) and our Comprehensive Plan.

In broad terms, the project includes:

  • Comprehensive redevelopment of the Port of Rochester site, featuring the creation of a public marina basin and promenade; 
  • Private development of adjacent public lands for residential units and/or mixed-use commercial development; 
  • Relocation of existing public parkland facilities at the Port site to accommodate the redevelopment; and, 
  • Redevelopment at the transportation terminal formerly used for operation of a fast ferry service.

The DEIS serves as the Site-Specific/Generic SEQR Environmental Impact Statement for the project, required by the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR). Following coordination with the Involved Agencies, the Mayor of the City of Rochester was designated as the Lead Agency and issued a determination in May 2010 that the proposed project would be the subject of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). A final scope for the EIS was issued on June 10, 2010. In addition, the DEIS will assist those Federal agencies which have jurisdiction by law with respect to any component or environmental impact involved in the proposal, and can serve as the federal Environmental Assessment (EA) for the project.


The City accepted comments through an online form and in writing through November 18, 2011. The comment period is now closed. 

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