Bull's Head Revitalization Project - EPA Multipurpose Grant Project for 42 York Street and 845-855 W. Main Street (portion of former 835-855 W. Main Street)
The City of Rochester was awarded United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) Brownfield Grant Program multipurpose grant funding to complete Environmental Cleanup and Environmental Assessment projects at two City-owned properties located at 42 York Street and 835-855 West Main Street, respectively. 42 York Street and 835-855 West Main Street were acquired by the City on December 15, 2016, and October 31, 2018, respectively, as part of the Bull’s Head Revitalization Project. Note: 835-855 W. Main Street has since been subdivided into two parcels: 835 W. Main Street and 845-855 W. Main Street. This EPA grant project applies to the 845-855 W. Main Street parcel. In addition to the funding from the USEPA, this project will also be funded by the City. Though this project has been funded, wholly or in part, by EPA, the contents of this webpage do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of EPA. Additional information on the Bull’s Head Revitalization Project, Bull’s Head Urban Renewal Plan, and Bull’s Head Brownfield Opportunity Area community planning processes can be found on the Bulls Head Revitalization webpage:
Site Background Information
42 York Street:

42 York Street is approximately 0.48 acres and is currently an unused paved open lot. The site was formerly developed with residential structures and parking areas. The site contains fill material, including ash layers in the ground that are considered regulated solid waste, as well as fill and soil impacted with heavy metals and compounds typically associated with urban fill.
845-855 West Main Street:
845-855 West Main Street is approximately 3.4 acres and is the location of a former 85,599 sq. ft. building and paved parking lot. Former uses on the site include laundry, dry cleaners, a machine shop, auto sales, and a machine manufacturer. The site includes soil and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) as well as fill and soil contaminated with heavy metals and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs).
Further Information
More detailed information regarding the environmental conditions at 42 York Street and Former 835-855 West Main Street can be found in the following list of documents:
Overall Project:
42 York Street:
- Environmental Screen Report for Bulls Head Project Area - DAY Environmental Inc., September, 2009
- 894-898 West Main Street & 42 York Street Phase I Environmental Site Assessment - Day Environmental Inc., August, 2016
- Pre-Development Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and Geotechnical Study Report for Bulls Head Sub-Area North - DAY Environmental Inc., July, 2019
- Phase II Environmental Site Assessment - LaBella Associates, October, 2023
- 42 York Street Remedial Work Plan
Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives – 42 York Street
Former 835-855 West Main Street:
- 835-855 West Main Street Phase I Environmental Site Assessment - LaBella Associates, September, 2017
- 835-855 West Main Street Phase II Environmental Site Assessment - LaBella Associates, April, 2018
Community Participation/Engagement
Bull’s Head Revitalization Community Participation Plan:
Community participation and engagement for Bull’s Head Revitalization is a continuation of the Community Participation Plan (CPP) established during the Bull’s Head BOA Revitalization planning process. The CPP may be viewed here: Bull's Head Revitalization Community Participation Plan
Community Presentation of Bull's Head EPA Multipurpose Grant Application:
The City presented the Bull’s Head EPA Multipurpose Grant application at the October 14, 2020 Southwest Quadrant Community Meeting via Zoom video conference. The meeting agenda and grant application presentation may be viewed here: Bull's Head EPA 2020 Multipurpose Grant Application Presentation
This website will be periodically updated as new information is obtained.
Project Update Newsletters: